Skyrim alchemy recipes giant toe
Skyrim alchemy recipes giant toe

skyrim alchemy recipes giant toe

butterfly caught, double that if the two potions both proc the catalysis perk. Catching them basically amounts to at least 180g per single b. I have a ton of the flowers stored up, usually over 1000, so I only have to catch the blue butterflies. Now, add to that the catalysis perk, 1/2 gives you a 50% chance of producing double potions each time.

skyrim alchemy recipes giant toe

I have high speech and the Masque of Clavicus Vile, so I get about 90g per potion. The flowers grow everywhere in the south of Skyrim & they always give x4-6 per pick, blue butterfly wings are x2 per butterfly and also easy to find in the same areas as the flowers. IMO Blue Mountain Flower + Blue Butterfly Wing just by themselves are probably two of the best ingredients for making money easily throughout the game.

skyrim alchemy recipes giant toe

I discovered all of those as well just by munching on practically every ingredient I could get my hands on, and then combining them in a ton of different ways to see which were the most profitable. This could probably go on for hours, but this is what I can think of off the top of my head.īeat me to it. Oh, and Giant's Toes are great for anything Rigidity. Certain combos with hearts (bear/mammoth/sabercat) are really good too. Void Salts + Nirnroot + some Invis can be amazing though. Vampire Dust is amazing, but don't combine it with Nirnroot for Invisibility cuz it won't be optimal. Others like certain combos of flamebane/icebane (particularly involving fire/frost salts, but mudcrab chitin is very versitile) can be very good. Certain things like invisibility, featherweight, or waterbreathing are generally good. Garlic + Salt + Poison Resistance (especially Slaughterfish eggs ) is really strong - get ALL the garlic and salt you can (both are very plentiful, especially if you steal :D) Overall, I would just pick up anything with a positive or negative "regen" bonus like regeneration, spiritedness, spellflux, or damage magicka/stamina regen.

skyrim alchemy recipes giant toe

Blue Moutain Flower + Blue Butterfly Wing + anything Rigidity is great, especially if you are in the Whiterun area.

Skyrim alchemy recipes giant toe