Sgdq 2015 crash bandicoot 2
Sgdq 2015 crash bandicoot 2

sgdq 2015 crash bandicoot 2

Try this at home" "it makes you go slightly faster and by the way is about 8 inputs per second don't try it at home *whispering* but I like to pleasure my controller *no clue* "THE PLEASURE" "clockwise order because we like speed, and also I like to kill myself" "I know what to do. "Yeah so now he's just dying over and over what is this yeah we're committing suicide don't. "So this is Crash Bandicoot 2 any% game over abuse we like to commit suicide please do not try this at home" Now this alone probably wouldn't have got him banned, however throughout the run he constantly jokes about suicide as well as making very dark and unusual jokes which nobody in the audience laughs at at any point. For example, it took all of just three seconds into the run before he'd already made a joke about suicide. He tries tirelessly to make jokes and humor the audience however his humor is very dark and edgy.


Firstly, the full run isn't even on YouTube, only highlights of the run, and secondly even if you could watch the full run, I'm not sure you'd want to or make it that far with a straight face. This run is probably one of the hardest GDQ runs to watch, in two senses of the word.

sgdq 2015 crash bandicoot 2

SGDQ 2015 saw a run of Crash Bandicoot 2 by gamepro011. He says that he wishes GDQ would look into reports a bit more thoroughly as they certainly do seem to a trigger finger when it comes to reports like this. Despite all this he's still not un- banned and while it is definitely frustrating he says that the majority of his frustration came for the people that did this as they have also been targeting other members of the SpongeBob: BfBB community.

sgdq 2015 crash bandicoot 2

These turned out to be the same people that built up.Ī portfolio of out-of-context Shift clips and rewritten a narrative that showed him as a bad guy. It turned out that this user was part of a group of people who were actively out to get Shift and even started a Twitter account that shared out-of-context clips of him with the aim to shoot him down and ruin his career. The user had mass reported him and got his twitch banned for 30 days. He remembered an encounter he had with the troll on his stream the year prior to this where he had sold him to quote stop being an f-word. He received a reply from the GDQ staff telling him that while they cannot reveal the origin of the reports, they can tell him the reports involved the use of homophobic slurs. The trolls were trying to trivialise his death and make fun of it, ultimately getting banned from his stream. He did recall a moment from his livestream the night before where some trolls had come into his chat while he was talking about the importance of mental health after the tragic death of Etika. He was left just as confused as the rest of us and tried to think of any reason that he may have been banned. Furthermore he was told that he can still attend the event but won't be able to submit again until AGDQ 2021. He was met with a decently vague email claiming his online conduct was found to be in violation of their zero tolerance harassment policy and that his run was pulled from the event. Naturally, he presumed there had been some sort of mistake or rumor being spread around, but decided to check his emails. Nevertheless the GDQ staff seemed more than helpful in aiding him to run at the event, and then four days later tweets and Discord messages started to appear featuring many people mentioning his run being pulled from. He expressed concerns relating to having to change his travel and accommodation bookings.


He and his fans, myself included, were excited to find out that a free place had opened up and he had been contacted by the event to ask if he wanted to do his run. This year, at Summer Games Done quick 2019, he had submitted a run of SpongeBob:BfBB and had been accepted as a backup run if a space became free. So if you're sitting comfortably, my name is jawibae, let's take a look at five times that Games Done Quick have banned someone from their event! Shift is well-known for speedrunning SpongeBob: Battle for Bikini Bottom, and currently holds the record for every category on. Not a whole lot of people have ever been banned from the event so chances are some in this video you will have heard of, however while researching this I did find a few that I hadn't heard of so maybe you won't have either. Arguably, since the ownership of the event was handed over to cool Matty, it's certainly headed in a more corporate direction. Games Done Quick host the largest events in the speedrunning, community and with an ever-growing popularity it's inevitable that over time they would have to start monitoring the language and content shown at the event.

Sgdq 2015 crash bandicoot 2